Avoid Organized Crime of Any Kind


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Proverbs 1:10 (KJV): “My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.”

COMMENTARY: People seeking to please God and walk in wisdom must have enough fortitude, conviction, strength of character, confidence and reverence for our Creator NOT to get involved in evil schemes through peer pressure. People who do get involved, through naivete or foolishness, will suffer disastrous consequences.

APPLICATION: Sadly, there are businesspeople who join together to do evil. On television and in the movies, they are called “organized crime” or “mobsters.“ Sadly, there are business people who participate in organized crime and use church attendance as a deceptive disguise or cloak for their evil schemes.

On the one hand, you will not find any company that is 100% clean and pure, even if it is owned and staffed by Christ-followers. If you expect to find the perfect company, you will spend a lifetime in frustration. Even the most mature of Christian businesspeople are still imperfect. 

On the other hand, if the Holy Spirit reveals that you are working in an evil business, your righteous soul will be vexed (like Lot) until you say “no” and extricate yourself from this toxic environment. You may suffer short-term inconvenience, ridicule and financial issues, but the alternative is to be caught in the disastrous long-term consequences. Sin always, ultimately, brings forth death.

If you are enticed to do work for customers, suppliers, bosses or co-workers who are involved in evil activities, DON’T DO IT! Walk in wisdom and you will have peaceful sleep and ultimately reap Godly rewards.

Joyfully yours,


For Further Exploration

For further exploration about Genesis 19:33 (KJV),read Abraham (Genesis 12:1-25:11) from the Theology of Work Bible Commentary.