54: Work and money (1 Timothy 6:3-10, 17–19)

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:3-10, 17–19
The last section of 1 Timothy is packed with powerful exhortations and warnings for rich Christians. 1 Timothy 6:3–10 and 17–19 have direct workplace applications. In reading and applying these passages, however, we must avoid two common mistakes.
First, this passage does not teach that there is no “gain” to be had by being godly. Paul encourages his readers to know that there is great gain in godliness when it is combined with contentment in the basic necessities of life (1 Tim. 6:6, 8). Paul commands the righteous rich “to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share” (1 Tim. 6:18)—not to sell everything they have and become poor. They are to be rich in good works so that they might store up for themselves “the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life” (1 Tim. 6:19). In other words, godliness is a means of gain as long as that gain is understood as life and blessings in the presence of God and not only more money now.
The second mistake to avoid is thinking that this passage and its condemnation of a love for money means that no Christian worker should ever seek a raise or promotion or that no Christian business should try to make a profit. There are many reasons why someone could want more money; some of them could be bad but others could be good. If someone wanted more money for the status, luxury, or ego boost it would provide, then this would indeed fall under the rebuke of this section of Scripture. But if someone wanted to earn more money in order to provide adequately for dependents, to give more to Christ-honoring causes, or to invest in creating goods and services that allow the community to thrive, then it would not be evil to want more money. To reject the love of money is not to oppose every desire to be successful or profitable in the workplace.
Prayer: Lord, help me discern my desires so that I may always serve you in godliness combined with contentment. Amen.
For Further Exploration: Read 1 Timothy: Working for Order in God’s Household from the Theology of Work Bible Commentary.
Author: Theology of Work Project
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