John 3:7 (KJV): “Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.”
COMMENTARY: Today, you may be religious. You may be a church leader or member. But have you been “born again” as Jesus said you must be?
For decades, I’ve had the heart of an evangelist and have discovered a way to be bold while being a gentleman sensitive to each person’s freewill. If I sense the Holy Spirit prodding me to share the Gospel, I often ask the person this question: “May I have your permission to be bold?”
They have the freewill to answer yes or no. Out of curiosity, most people say yes. That opens the door for me to share my personal testimony of salvation and a concise declaration of the Gospel. Since the person gave me permission to be bold, he or she doesn’t get upset with me when I challenge their assumptions about the condition of their soul and the way to heaven. Many of the people to whom I’ve posed this question have become “born again.”
APPLICATION: May I be bold with you now?If you do not have assurance that your sins are forgiven and that you have received the free gift of eternal life, please pray this prayer now with a sincere heart: “God, as much as I try to be a good person, when I compare myself to You, in your perfect holiness and righteousness, I recognize that I am a sinner. I cannot be good enough in my own power and strength to earn my way to heaven. I believe that Jesus was the Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, that He lived a sinless life; that He died on the cross to pay the penalty of my sins; and that He rose from the dead. By faith, I repent of my sin and choose to trust Jesus as my Lord and Savior.” Praise God for salvation!
Joyfully yours,
For Further Exploration
For further exploration about John 3:7 (KJV),read Jesus Teaches Nicodemus (John 3:1-21) from the Theology of Work Bible Commentary.