Work is a blessing, not a curse.Thank God it’s Monday! Bridge the Sunday gap to Monday.Bridge the Sacred and Secular divide.Work is a ministry, not just a job.Work as Worship – work is more than a paycheck.Receive blessings from God and be a blessing at work.Keep an empty seat for Jesus at work – a reminder to invite Jesus to intervene, integrate our faith at work.Take Jesus to work – don’t leave Jesus at home. Don’t lock Jesus outside of your office.Embrace and enjoy our work with God’s 5P blessings – His Presence, Power, Promises, Provisions, Pleasant surprises.

Duty Calls


Image by Gerd Altmann / Pixabay . Used with Permission.

Colossians 4:17 (KJV): “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.

COMMENTARY: Have you ever heard the expression, Duty Calls? Duty is a moral or legal obligation or responsibility. In recent decades, it appears that many of the most challenging issues in our society stem from the erosion of duty as a valued and vital element of everyday life.

APPLICATION: This passage of scripture challenges and exhorts us to “take heed” to the ministry that we have received, that we fulfil or accomplish it. We have a God-given responsibility and duty to be good citizens, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, family members, students, employers, employees, neighbors and community members. If we want our society to improve, it begins with a renewed sense of duty and an abundance of goodness and godliness. Will you take heed today and every day?

Joyfully yours,


For Further Exploration

For further exploration about Acts 3:10 (KJV), read An Orienting Community That Practices the Ways of God’s Kingdom: Acts 2:42-4:32 from the Theology of Work Bible Commentary.